Living and working in various countries including the United States, Africa and France, Alissa brings a unique perspective to solving legal issues. She primarily helps clients with issues relating to corporate governance, project finance in Africa and CSR ventures.

Her most popular article, Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility: Reconciling the Ideals of a For-Benefit Corporation with Director Fiduciary Duties in America and Europe has been cited in the Principles of Contemporary Governance (Cambridge 2011) and is referenced in articles published in the Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law, New York University Journal of Law and Business, Vanderbilt Law Review, and St. Thomas Law Review.

Alissa's expertise has also been featured in numerous online publications such as Next Now Collaboratory.



For a clear and concise explanation of the essential terms relating to Corporate Social Responsibility, click the links below.

Common Good Corporations are...

corporations that freely chooses to have their highest priority be the good of the one and only whole...

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The Fourth Sector is...

a new generation of value-driven consumers and shareholders who are demanding that corporations benefit their communities...

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Fourth Sector Organizations are...

organizations that integrate social and environmental aims with business methods...

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Social Businesses are...

organizations using a market-driven business model to address critical social and environmental issues...

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Benefit Corporations are...

for-profit corporations using internal controls as a method to promote corporate social responsability...

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New Hybrid Legal Forms in the U.S.

As social entrepreneurs and businesses attempt to surf the wave towards a Fourth Sector by seamlessly blending a social purpose with their business agenda, a collaborative effort has begun to develop new hybrid legal entities to support such a venture...

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International Hybrid Legal Forms

A new socially conscious company is emerging in virtually every country, and the U.S. is far behind in its effort to supportu hybrid organizations...

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European Cooperative Society (SCE)

The SCE was created in 2003 by Council Regulation 1435/2003 and entered into force on August 18, 2006 nizations...

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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Europe and the US

Some US and EU corporate directors no longer abide by Milton Friedman’s famous declaration that a corporation’s only social responsibility is to provide a profit for its owners...

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Upcoming/Past Events

Ashoka - Changemakers week
June 16-23, 2011 - Paris, France
Change is happening in Europe! 1,000 leading changemakers -social entrepreneurs, thought leaders, public figures, corporate leaders and media players gather at HEC campus during 2 days to design solutions to accelerate social change in Europe. For more information, click here.

UCC Berkeley Alumni Event
May 30, 2011 - Paris, France
Professor Vogel and attorney Daniel Hurstel invited to speak about Corporate Social Responsibility in the US and in France. For more information, click here.

Convergence Conference 2015t
May 3-5, 2011 - Paris, France
Convergence 2015 is a discussion forum aimed at bringing about new convergences between private and public sectors and social business. For more information click here.

General Community Meeting - A gathering of social businesses
April 28, 2011 - Paris, France
Danone.communities invited Muhamad Yunus to speak about the trends and new social business ventures in Europe and abroad . For more information, click here.

Social Entreprenuership: What strategies and which means are necessary to transform society
April 6, 2011 - Paris, France
Guest speaker Michele Jolin, White House counselor for Social Innovation, speaks about the different ways in which social innovation can be used to promote development all over the world. For more information, click here.

UNESCO (Universite de la Terre) Conference - Creating a new company (Batir une nouvelle societe)
April 2-3, 2011 - Paris, France
18,000 people attended the 21 debates and discussions held on creating a new corporate model for a new society. For more information, click here.

International CSR Forum
April 29, 2009 - Paris, France :
For audio recording of the CSR Forum Click here


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